Friday, December 27, 2019

My Problem With Her Anger By Hope Edelman Analysis

In the article â€Å"The Myth of Co-Parenting: How It Was Supposed to Be. How It Was.,† author Hope Edelman claims her husband does not put forth effort in their marriage. Edelman discusses the difficulties of parenting with a spouse who is seldom present and her misconception of marriage. In the article â€Å"My Problem With Her Anger,† author Eric Bartels claims his wife is angry with him all the time regardless of what he contributes to their family. Bartels discusses how the effort he puts forth in his marriage goes unappreciated and how he thinks his wife’s anger is negatively affecting their marriage. Bartels and Edelman both believe they entered marriage with unrealistic views resulting in dissatisfaction of marriage however, Edelman†¦show more content†¦He feels like his wife should have praised him for bathing the children and putting them to bed instead of getting mad about something as simple as leaving the water in the bathtub. Although Edelm an and Bartels have different expectations for men and women in marriage, they both are bitter about the state of their marriage. In order to pick up the slack of the other parent, both authors make sacrifices to ensure their children’s needs are met. Edelman feels like she was expected to reduce her work hours instead of her husband because of the gender roles forced upon parents in society today. Edelman became angry with the fact that she felt pressured to prioritize her husband’s career and give up her own career to care for their child. Edelman states â€Å"...there was something vaguely unsettling about feeling that my choice hadn’t been much of an actual choice†(51). Edelman also angrily states that the reason she was forced to give up her career was because â€Å"...he was ‘the husband’ and†¦his career took precedence...†(54). Edelman is angry at the fact that society made her believe her career was inferior to her husband ’s. Bartels also makes sacrifices for his family. Bartels makes the sacrifices to take pressure off of his wife, who is constantly running their children around to daycare and

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Essay on Death and Love in The Merchant of Venice

Death and Love in The Merchant of Venice Everyone loves a martyr. Hes that guy who not only suffered but died for his cause, his passion, his love. Bassanio may not be the most worthy cause to die for, but in Act IV of Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice, Antonio is resigned to do so. In his final words before Shylock is set to extract his pound of flesh, Antonio has abandoned efforts to prevent his punishment and assures Bassanio that the deed must be done for the benefit of all. Despite the grisly and morbid nature of the procedure, Antonio has many reasons to die under such circumstances. This is the only way out. Antonio devotedly loves a man who cannot return the affections with the same intensity. Bassanios†¦show more content†¦It is still her use To let the wretched man outlive his wealth, To view with hollow eye and wrinkled brow An age of poverty; from which lingring penance Of such misery doth she cut me off. (IV.1.266-272) How noble of him to not feel sorry for himself, to not blame Bassanio for his fate, to look at the bright side of life, even when faced with death. Never was there such a friend so deserving of all the love one has to offer. To Bassanio, it is clear that old age and poverty are nothing to look forward to and his friend will avoid these painful stages of life; however, even more significant is that Antonio will not have to experience these stages alone, as he would, were he to continue living. While being spared the loss of worldly goods and youth, a substantial loss in Venetian standards, he is also being spared the loss of Bassanio to Portia. Once Bassanio is assured of Antonios noble, selfless love, it is time to flaunt to Portia how much more meaningful his love for Bassanio is than hers. She must see it, not only in Antonios willingness to die, but in Bassanios reaction to the death. Commend me to your honorable wife,/ Tell her the process of Antonios end,/ Say how I lovd you, speak me fair in death (IV.i.237-375). In knowing every bloody detail and the extent of agony in the slow, painful death,Show MoreRelatedThe Homosexual Relationship Between Antonio and Bassanio in William Shakespeare’s the Merchant of Venice1673 Words   |  7 PagesThe Homosexual Relationship Between Antonio and Bassanio in William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice Tsun-Hsien Tsai Sophomore Student, Department of English National Changhua University of Education There are many pairs of male adults with honorable masculine friendships appearing in William Shakespeare’s popular plays, such as Antonio and Bassanio in The Merchant of Venice, Antonio and Sebastian in Twelfth Night, the two kings Leonates and Polixenes in The Winter’s Tale, and so on. No matterRead MoreA Study of Anti-Semitism in The Merchant of Venice Essay1540 Words   |  7 PagesAnti-Semitism in The Merchant of Venice ‘The Merchant of Venice’ was written by Shakespeare in 1596 and appeals to both audiences of comedy and tragedy. The play features anti-Semitism which is a response to 1500’s Britain as well as other literature of the time. Anti-Semitism is the term used to describe discrimination towards Jews and Judaism. ‘The Merchant of Venice’ has received both positive and negative comments over the centuries and throughout this essay I will look atRead MoreThe Merchant of Venice: Is Shylock a Villain or a Victim? Essay846 Words   |  4 PagesIn this essay I will try to discover is Shylock a villain or a victim, in the William Shakespeare play â€Å"The Merchant of Venice† It is difficult to say if Shylock is a complete villain or a victim, as his character is complex and ambiguous. However, it is difficult to view Shylock as anything other than a devious, bloodthirsty and heartless villain in the majority of the play. There are a few points in the story where he can be viewed as victimised, as most Jews were at that time, but ShakespeareRead MoreThe Rings of Power: Symbolic Exchange in the Merchant of Venice1595 Words   |  7 PagesThe Rings of Power: Symbolic Exchange in The Merchant of Venice Rings are significant to the narrative of The Merchant of Venice for several reasons. Firstly, as symbols of love, wealth and power. Secondly, as a means through which Portia gives and then regains control of herself, her weath and power and finally, the theft and sale of Leahs turquoise ring acts as a source of sympathy towards Shylock and allows him to parallel the Christian husbands, Bassanio and Graziano. A ring is, in andRead MoreThe Three Plots of The Merchant of Venice779 Words   |  4 Pages Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice is a simple story line with three distinct plot lines incorporated into each other intricately. These three plot lines are the bond plot, the casket plot, and the ring plot, each equally vital to the meaning and conclusion of the play. In this essay, I will discuss the roles of the characters in the plot, the symbols, images, and rhetorical figures central to each plot, and finally how the events of the three plots are intertwined. The first sign that the threeRead More Shakespeares Presentation of Shylock in The Merchant of Venice831 Words   |  4 PagesPresentation of Shylock in The Merchant of Venice This essay is an analysis of how the character of Shylock, in the play The Merchant of Venice, is presented to the audience, by Shakespeare, in different ways. 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In the â€Å"Merchant of Venice,† â€Å"a Christian ethic of generosity, love, and risk-taking friendship is set in pointed contrast with a non-Christian ethic that is seen, from a Christian point of view, as grudging, resentful, and self-calculating.† (BevingtonRead MoreThroughout A Patriarchal History, Some Bright Women Have1325 Words   |  6 Pagessome bright women have been able to push through and make groundbreaking changes for the future. Although many people believe that Venice is a male dominated society in William Shakespeare’s play, The Merchant of Venice, if one reads closely he/she will discover that most of the major decisions, that affected the route of the play, were originally made by women. In her essay, Christine Hoff Kraemer writes, with a feminist approach, about women in this play and their role in power. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Beauty and Cosmetics Product Management

Question: Discuss about the Report of Beauty and Cosmetics Product Management. Answer: Slide no. 2: LOreal deals with lines of beauty and cosmetics products such as hair care, coloring, skin care, make-up and perfume. LOreal offers both men and women products all over the world with an array of prestigious and the renowned international brands that shows a unique heritage. Slide no. 3: LOreal deal with makeup and cosmetics products The products are made of natural and chemical substances The products have a limited validity and they are perishable after a span of time It is for the same reason that the products are needed to be transported at the earliest Slide no. 4: LOreal has been facing challenges in meeting the demand of the dynamic customers choice Delivering products to the customers in the shortest possible time has become challenging at some point Several areas such as field warehouse, packaging, outbound shipping can interface with the distribution and logistic operation of LOreal Marketing factors might also impact the logistic of the Company Slide no. 5: Incoterms or the International Commercial Terms are certain industrial terms issued by International Chamber of Commerce or ICC. The rules are used for basic transactions in business and other distribution processes (Stapleton et al, 2014). The rules are used for commercial transactions and other distribution procurement processes (Stapleton et al, 2014). The documents of shipping confirm that the goods have been shipped with the designated shipper. The shortest and the most effective distribution channel will fetch better success to the Company. Slide no. 6: Different types of incoterms Ex Works where sellers makes the goods to be collected by the suppliers Carriage paid to where the seller paid to transport the goods Carriage and insurance paid where it is the duty of the seller to reach the product to the destination Delivered at terminal where buyer is responsible for carrying the goods Free alongside Ship where the sellers might collect the goods from Cost and Freight where seller must pay the cost for bringing the goods Slide no. 7: Rules of Cost and Freight are restricted to transport goods by sea or inland water Seller might have direct access to the vessels for loading goods Seller is not responsible for insuring the goods The seller arranges and pays for transport for loading goods into the vessel Risk transfers from seller to buyers when the vessel reaches the port For LOreal, CFR incoterm shall be the most effective incoterm and distribution strategy as it will benefit them to transport their goods to international boundaries The company would not be responsible for any risk related to the condition of the products Slide no. 8: Recent distribution plan of LOreal showed partnership with CFAO as a part of the companys strategic plan. A world-class partnership has been witnessed when LOreal teamed with CFAO. Slide no. 9: It is recommended that LOreal would select Cost and Freight incoterms as a distribution strategy The Company would be responsible for bringing the cost to the specified port The buyer will be responsible for any kind of risk of loading and unloading This would help the Company to stay balanced in their business There will be less chance of any kind of loss in the transportation process Slide no. 10: The seller is responsible for paying costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the destination port The buyer is given sufficient notice that the goods are transported and the buyer becomes enable to receive the goods A proof of delivering the products is provided to the buyer The buyer is subjected to pay right at the point of receiving goods unless agreed upon other conditions Slide no. 11 Top competitors of LOreal are Procter Gamble Company, The ESTEE Lauder Companies Inc and Unilever. Therefore, it is important to understand their distribution strategies Bargaining with freight provider is expected that would help the Company to compare different shipping costs offered by different shipping companies. The shortest and the most effective distribution channel will fetch better success to the Company. It is also recommended that the Company will keep communicating with suppliers and distributers. Without proper communication, formulating an effective strategy is not possible. Developing a common boundary between the logistic and production of product might prove to be effective and beneficiary to the Company. Slide no. 12: It has to be kept in mind that a buyer always wanted to remain competitive and always look for ways to save costs. Thus, saving costs in the distribution channels is the primary requisite.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Was Socrates Wise Essays - Socrates, Socratic Dialogues

Was Socrates Wise? Was Socrates Wise? Webster defines wise as: (1) having or showing good judgment; (2) informed; (3) learned; (4) shrewd or cunning. In my opinion, Socrates was wise in all aspects of the word. If I were placed in his position and were to make the same decisions, I would not consider myself wise. I would consider myself to be a great fool, but given the circumstances and the parties involved I believe that Socrates made proper decisions in his defense. Socrates knew that the jury was prejudiced against him from the start and addressed it immediately. In his opening statement, of the prosecutors he stated, but of their many falsehoods, the one which astonished me most was when they said that I was a clever speaker, and that you must be careful not to let me mislead you.(15) That is an effective statement to taint a rebuttal before it can be presented. Also, Socrates addressed the fact that he has been accused of this treachery for years. These accusations are more formidable because they were first introduced to the jury when they were young and impressionable, but more importantly because Socrates has been unable to defend himself. He could not defend his position because the accusations have been informal and the accusers remain anonymous. He investigates things in the air and under the earth, and that he teaches people to disbelieve in the gods, and to make the weaker argument appear stronger.(19) These are the stock accusations given to all philosophers. Socrates was no fool and knew that he would not be able to change these ingrained beliefs in a few hours, but was able to provide some justification as to why he had lived his life in search of wisdom. Chaerephon, a life-long friend of Socrates, asked the oracle at Delphi if there was any man who was wiser than [Socrates] and there was no one. (17) Socrates did not understand how this could be true. He did not feel that he was even slightly wise let alone the wisest man. He tried to prove the oracle wrong by examining reputedly wise men and he realized that they thought that they knew things that they did not and this made them unwise. It was after these encounters that Socrates realized that the oracle meant that human wisdom is worth little or nothing.(19) It was this realization that made Socrates wise. Socrates knew that he would be convicted and sentenced to death, so his speech on death was not foolish. He was just addressing the inevitable. He says that a man of any worth does not think of life and death or of anything except whether he is acting as a good or bad man. Socrates does not fear death, for no one knows whether death may not be the greatest good that can happen to man. But men fear it as if they knew quite well that it was the greatest of evils.(24) Socrates was borderline foolish when he discussed his political career and how he was ill suited for it because was just and made his decisions accordingly. This was a thinly veiled allusion to the moral character of the politicians of Greece, which must have been insulting and would not help acquit him. After Socrates was found guilty, he accepted the death penalty by insulting the jury again. He proposed that, instead of the death penalty, he should receive a public maintenance in the Prytaneum.(29) Today, that would be like a convicted killer asking that, instead of execution, he be sentenced to stay at Club Med. This was not foolish in Socrates situation because if he had made a plea bargain, it would contradict everything that he stood for. He warns that people will question the decision to put Socrates, a wise man, to death. After his conviction, Socrates was given an opportunity to escape his unjust conviction. He tells his would be saviors what we call today a social contract. A social contract states, simply, that you must obey all laws, no matter if they cause you an injustice because it is the same laws that protect the citizens. There would be no point of laws if people could ignore

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Parents Responsibility free essay sample

Unlike mothers, fathers do not always have parental responsibility for their children. With more than one in three children now born outside marriage, some parents may be unclear about who has legal parental responsibility for their children. What is parental responsibility? While the law does not define in detail what parental responsibility is, the following list sets out the key roles: †¢ providing a home for the child †¢ having contact with and living with the child †¢ protecting and maintaining the child †¢ disciplining the child †¢ choosing and providing for the childs education †¢ determining the religion of the child Agreeing to the childs medical treatment †¢ naming the child and agreeing to any change of the childs name †¢ accompanying the child outside the UK and agreeing to the childs emigration, should the issue arise †¢ being responsible for the childs property †¢ appointing a guardian for the child, if necessary †¢ allowing confidential information about the child to be disclosed Who has parental responsibility? In England and Wales, if the parents of a child are married to each other at the time of the birth, or if they have jointly adopted a child, then they both have parental responsibility. We will write a custom essay sample on Parents Responsibility or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Parents do not lose parental responsibility if they divorce, and this applies to both the resident and the non-resident parent. This is not automatically the case for unmarried parents. According to current law, a mother always has parental responsibility for her child. A father, however, has this responsibility only if he is married to the mother when the child is born or has acquired legal responsibility for his child through one of these three routes: †¢ (from 1 December 2003) by jointly registering the birth of the child with the mother †¢ by a parental responsibility agreement with the mother

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The World Heritage Case Study Australia

The World Heritage Case Study Australia Introduction World Heritage sites are beautiful and wonderful places with great values attached to them due to their uncommon nature. According to the Department of Environment and Conservation: World Heritage: Shark Bay Heritage Area (2009, p. 1), world heritage sites are mysteries, and they bear great memories in those who visit them. In this paper, research will be concentrated on The Royal Exhibition Building, and Carlton Gardens found in Melbourne city in Australia.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The World Heritage Case Study: Australia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Royal Exhibition Building was constructed between 1879 and 1880 in Melbourne (Heritage Victoria: Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens n.d.). It was constructed at this particular point of time since it was to house the international exhibition in 1880. According to Sopray: Assessment of Significance (n.d., p.148), this site is signif icant because it is one of the world’s 19th century exhibitions that remains standing. It is argued that this building shows the wealth and confidence of Victoria era in the 1870s. The Carlton Gardens are also significant since they serve as a habitat for many plants like palms, conifers, and evergreen trees. The Royal Exhibition Building and the Carlton Gardens are of great social significant to the people who interact with them, both the residents and the tourists (Sopray: Assessment of Significance n.d., p. 148). Primary Challenges Management Adiplock: REB CGWH Heritage Management Plan (2011, p. 8) stated that the Department of Environment and Heritage in Australia came up with some basic objectives of world heritage properties management in Australia. Some of the objectives that were set are to conserve and protect the world heritage value of the sites, to incorporate the protection of the site into a complete planning program and to ensure that people have knowledge con cerning world heritage value of the property. The world heritage sites in Australia face challenges in accommodating tourism. The Department of the Environment and Heritage: Factors affecting the property (n.d., p. 58) highlighted that the royal exhibition building deals with huge crowds of tourists who visit this site each year. However, it is not overwhelmed by these huge numbers since it has upgraded some projects in management of the numbers. The Carlton Gardens are utilized by both residents and visitors since they are attractive and also located near the central business district of Melbourne. Each year, these sites are repaired after they have been used, and this maintains them in good conditions. On the other hand, the Australia Department of Environment and Heritage: Australia’s world heritage places (2010, p.2) argued that some caves are not accessible since they are restricted to tourists who may be eager to visit such places. However, to manage this challenge the management has provided light to other unrestricted areas in the same caves to ensure that there is save public viewing. This is one way which has been used to manage and protect the value that is attached to the caves. The walk tracks and picnic areas have also been improved in order to cope with the big number of tourists flowing in.Advertising Looking for essay on cultural studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There is development pressure affecting the Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens sites. These sites cannot be sold or transferred to anyone without an Act of the Victorian state parliament. The environment protection authority in Melbourne supervises the quality of air in the city. Therefore, the issue of pollution is not a challenge in this city at all and there is no environmental pressure that can destroy the building and the gardens. This gives it a credit before the eyes of the tourists who frequently visit these attractive sites (Department of the Environment and Heritage: Factors affecting the property n.d., p. 58). According to the Department of Environment and Heritage: Factors affecting the property (n.d., p. 58), Melbourne is not a high-risk zone for volcanic disturbances; however, it has ever recorded some small earthquakes. The only risk to this building is fire since its large part is constructed using timber, which can catch fire easily. This risk is foreseen and therefore, a full sprinkler system has been installed, and fire alarms have been directly connected to the fire brigade in Melbourne. The fire brigade is located less than 500 meters from this site, and this becomes an advantage for The Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens. There are guards, a caretaker, and other staff that work and reside within this property. It is therefore maintained, and guarded for its value to be maintained throughout (Department of Environment and Heritage: Factors affecting the property n.d., p. 58). According to the Australia Department of Environment and Heritage: Australia’s world heritage places (2010, p.2), the scientists who do research by collecting residue for investigation through digging are likely to destroy the world heritage sites. It is argued that there is a need for a balance to be observed to ensure that research is not done at the expense of the environment. The research methods should observe respect to world heritage values, local communities and traditional owners. However, research is important and it should be conducted in relevant areas to pave the way for improvement in the management of the world heritage.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The World Heritage Case Study: Australia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The royal exhibition building also experiences the challenge related to conservation and maintenance. According to Australian Governmen t Department of the Environment, water, Heritage and the Arts: Challenges and management (2010, p. 1), this challenge is managed through the conservation management plan that involve risk preparedness. Carton Gardens are also managed through an environmentally sustainable way of watering and taking care of the tree which are over 110 years old. Funds have been obtained, which will be used to install water harvesting and storage systems underground. The management wishes to end this challenge through storing 900,000 litres which can ensure that Carlton Gardens is watered throughout. The Royal Exhibition Building and the Carlton Garden challenges are managed through the management plan that ensures that actions that are of unsustainable impact on the Royal Exhibition Building, and the Carlton Garden cannot be approved. This helps in conservation and management of the building. Department of Planning and Community Development, the royal exhibition and Carlton gardens: world heritage ma nagement plan (2011, p. 5) highlights that management plan minimizes duplication in the general assessment and approval of actions that may impact on the Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens. The management plan has also ensured that the Australian government, and the Victoria state ensures that the Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens are protected and conserved in order to maintain its attractiveness and value. Tourism Pressures The Royal Exhibition Building and the Carlton Garden realize a high number of visitors and tourists throughout the year. There are fixed displays and guided tours through the employed staff. They usually take tourists through a slide show tour detailed on the construction of this property. This encourages the tourist to frequently visit since the place is conducive and through this interpretation, they are able to grasp a lot in terms of history of The Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens(Department of Environment and Heritage: F actors affecting the property n.d.).Advertising Looking for essay on cultural studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The staff members who are employed here are well trained to handle and address the needs of all the visitors, including those with special needs. This ensures that the tourists in this place feel accommodated when they receive the assistance they may be in need of in this strange place. This building also has a theatre section with audiovisual shows that are also used as a tour guide, they give more information that those who attend to visitors might not touch on. It is stated that over 300,000 tourists visit the Royal Exhibition Building with an aim of having commercial events every year. This shows that the number that visits this site per year is high hence the need to maintain it as a way of preserving nature and culture of the indigenous people in this place (Department of Environment and Heritage: Factors affecting the property n.d.). Due to the large numbers of people that Royal Exhibition Building receives, it has to provided accommodation, entertainment, restaurants, and sh ops. All these are geared to ensuring that the visitors are comfortable while visiting this site and also as a way of adding more value to The Royal Exhibition and Carlton Garden. These shops contain some of the products that are related to the Royal Exhibition Building; this makes them even more attractive to the tourists who visit this site for their first time. Security is ensured in this site and alarm are set 24 hours and also the securical companies patrol the whole building throughout to ensure protection to the site and the tourist inside this place (Department of Environment and Heritage: Factors affecting the property n.d.). Protection of the World Heritage Values The museum board is responsible for maintaining the Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens sites. Commercial income stream funds the daily maintenance of the Royal Exhibition Building. Building, facilities, and venue management groups are involved in working within these sites and ensuring that everything is in order and ready for any tourists who may wish to visit at any time. The protection systems, especially against fire are maintained to ensure that any eventuality can be dealt with accordingly without interfering with the flow of the tourists visiting this site. UNESCO World Heritage Centre: Enhancing our Heritage Toolkit (2011, p 9) argued that it has become a priority for states to improve the effectiveness of protected areas through management and the best way to do so is through examining the management strategies and evaluate their effectiveness. This will give the states an opportunity to know what they need to change and come-up with lasting solutions that will curb such problems in the future. There is also need for the management of the world heritage sites to observe the balance that should exist between commercial and conservation values. Since these sites are important, Sheehan (n.d., p.7) highlights that there should be balance because if such sites are not protect ed they will be no more in the future. It is therefore, crucial that conservation values will not be assumed and in addition, commercial values should not be valued more than conservation. The operation manager, venue manager, office manager and casual staff are among the people who ensure smooth running of the sites. The Department of Environment and Heritage: Factors affecting the property (n.d., p. 25) stated that planning and management of the Carlton Gardens is done by the planning unit and the business support unit from Melbourne city. These exhibitions have brought balance between the world heritage values and tourist needs. Adiplock: REB CGWH Heritage Management Plan (2011, p. 8) stated that: â€Å"The exhibitions themselves brought people and ideas together on a grand scale, in diverse locations around the world, and greatly enhanced international social and economic links† (Adiplock: REB CGWH Heritage Management Plan 2011, p. 8). World Heritage Committee The World Heritage Committee comprises of 21 representatives from the state parties and they hold their meetings yearly. According to the World Heritage Committee: The World Heritage Committee (2011, p. 1), the world heritage committee decides how the finances are to be used in different areas of the properties. Through managing the finances, it is able to ensure that there are better standards in the Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens. The world heritage committee also investigates the reports of conservation of each site and if poorly managed it requests the concerned state to take care and manage it properly. The committee also expects the state parties to report to them if any danger is about to happen or happens. The committee, therefore, takes the initiative to look for a way forward for such sites. According to World Heritage Committee: The World Heritage Committee (2011, p. 1), through the world heritage committee, the Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens have ret ained their value and authenticity despite many such sites being no more. Through proper management, they have remained some of the tourists’ attractions in Australia, with their value of retaining culture and tradition being one of the reasons why many visitors visit these sites. References Adiplock: REB CGWH Heritage Management Plan 2011, Melbourne, Australia. Australia Department of Environment and Heritage: Australia’s world heritage places 2010, Australian Government Department of the Environment, water, Heritage and the Arts: Challenges and management 2010, Department of Environment and Conservation: World Heritage: Shark Bay Heritage Area 2009, Department of Planning and Community Development, the royal exhibition and Carlton gardens: world heritage manag ement plan 2011, Department of the Environment and Heritage: Factors affecting the property n.d., Melbourne, Australia. Heritage Victoria: Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens n.d., Melbourne, Australia. Sheehan, John n.d., The conservation of national heritage building: the Australian experience, Sopray: Assessment of Significance n.d., Melbourne, Australia. UNESCO World Heritage Centre: Enhancing our Heritage Toolkit 2012, World Heritage Committee: The World Heritage Committee 2012,

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Amusing Ourselves to Death and You Just Dont Understand Essay

Amusing Ourselves to Death and You Just Dont Understand - Essay Example Part one deals with how the American media developed through the ages, with an emphasis on the printed word at first, and then the arrival of the telegraph and radio. These topics are discussed first, in a chronological order, to create a context and fill in the background. Part two looks at modern media, with an emphasis on show business, film and especially television. The structure offers two main arguments: how things have developed first of all, and then what this means for the modern world. Deborah Tannen’s You Just Don’t Understand is not arranged chronologically, but rather takes a range of different topics on the subject of men’s language and women’s language and deals with them one by one. It starts very generally, with a description of how women and men are socialized in separate spaces, and develop different techniques. The key phrase â€Å"Asymmetry† is introduced (chapter 2) and defined as the gap between the sexes. In the middle chapters more specific topics such as interruptions, and gossip are discussed, and then last chapter (chapter 10) revisits the idea of asymmetry and the author describes what to do about this mis-match, namely to open up lines of communication that both men and women can understand. An afterword written ten years after the first publication reports how successful the book was, and answers some questions which readers and critics have raised. The thematic structure suggests that the subject is being tr eated as a collection of observations rather than a single line of argument. It allows the author to range freely over many details. Question 2 Postman relies on the earlier ideas of media and culture scholar Marshall McLuhan and notes that â€Å"the clearest way to see through a culture is to attend to its tools for conversation.† (Postman: 1985, p. 8) From this basic observation he moves to a close examination of American discourse, looking at cultural phenomena like Las Vegas, with its focus on high risk and materialism, and the medium of television which offers unintelligent and repetitive material to keep citizens quietly consuming its hidden messages. A key issue for Postman is that dictatorship need not be obvious and violent, like a fascist regime which dominates people’s lives with physical deprivation and misery. A dictatorship can be subtle and deceptive, and television is just such a force. It is not just the message that the media offer, nor even just the medium of presentation that is important, but also the far reaching implications of both of these things together as they impact upon passive viewers. The argument is very convincing because it sums up the commercialization and â€Å"dumbing down† of television in the 1980s and 1990s and points out a number of dangers which most people have not been aware of. Deborah Tannen’s book makes many statements about the different ways that men and women use language, and explains that this is often at the root of difficulties which couples have in their relationship. Her argument is based on the discipline of linguistics, and she uses linguistic terminology in quite a technical way, explaining how these features work, and what they imply about male and female gender behaviors. A big feature of the book is its insistence that male and female styles are both equally valid: â€Å"Throughout this book, and throughout my work, I take a no-fault approach† (Tannen, 2001, p. 30 1) This is a laudable aim, but unfortunately the book does not always stick to it, and there is more than a touch of pro-feminist argumentation, for example in chapter on â€Å"dominance and control,† which refers to other research but without clear indication of sources. There is a lot